Elevate Patient Education with HeartPatientAI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Transforming Cardiovascular Care. Custom Content and Dynamic Engagement Redefine How Heart Patients Learn and Recover. 


HeartPatientAI is a groundbreaking generative artificial intelligence AI patient education tool designed exclusively for heart patients. Anchored in our Online Heart Learning Center, our AI tool enables practices, hospitals, and providers to have full control over the content patients receive. Our innovation lies in harnessing the power of our custom-built Large Language Model (LLM) to revolutionize patient education in the cardiovascular field. This ensures that information aligns with specific protocols and guidelines, resulting in an enhanced and customized patient education experience.


In a healthcare landscape plagued by staffing shortages and limited patient-doctor interaction time, having the right patient education tool is key. HeartPatientAI is a cutting-edge tool that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to provide interactive patient education and ultimately improve the quality of care. Built from only vetted content, our innovation lies in harnessing the power of our custom-built Large Language Model (LLM) to revolutionize patient education in the cardiovascular field. 

HeartPatientAI Empowers Patients = Improved Outcomes

Our comprehensive AI patient interface is available for all aspects of your cardiovascular service line. Features include:

Provider-Approved Information and Content Control

HeartPatientAI puts clinicians in control of their content, ensuring patients receive vetted updated information that aligns with specific protocols and guidelines, creating a consistent, targeted education experience.

Custom LLM Technology

HeartPatientAI’s proprietary domain-specific Large Language Model (LLM), a cutting-edge AI system, generates content tailored specifically for cardiovascular patients, ensuring they receive the most relevant and accurate information.

Dynamic Engagement

HeartPatientAI actively engages patients with dynamic follow-up questions, guiding them through the learning process and addressing their concerns when they feel overwhelmed or unsure.

Enhanced Patient Satisfaction

HeartPatientAI fosters trust and satisfaction by providing patients with easy access to accurate information and support, helping to build a loyal patient base.

HIPAA Compliance

Privacy matters. We use advanced encryption and security protocols that comply with HIPAA and GDPR standards.

Interactive Video Content

HeartPatientAI provides links to relevant educational videos hosted on our platform, covering a wide range of cardiovascular topics and offering visual aids that enhance the learning experience for patients.

Change the way your heart patients learn, prepare, and recover with our new HeartPatientAI.

Content Control: Controlled, vetted, and current content is crucial to patient education, particularly for those with heart conditions or having heart procedures or surgery. Accurate, reliable, and appropriate information can directly impact patient outcomes and safety. Misinformation or incomplete advice can lead to confusion, exacerbation of health issues, or reliance on ineffective treatments. Thus, ensuring that the content provided is trustworthy is essential to supporting patients in making informed decisions about their health care.

The benefits of controlling content inside a generative AI Large Language Model (LLM) for patient education, especially heart patients, include:

  • Accuracy and Reliability: Controlled content ensures that the information provided is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects current cardiovascular standards and practices. This reduces the risk of misinformation which is critical for managing heart conditions effectively.
  • Safety and Risk Management: By vetting content, risks associated with following unsuitable or harmful advice can be significantly reduced. This is particularly important for heart patients, where incorrect information can lead to serious health risks.

HeartPatientAI Technology Q&A

HPAI is a HIPAA-compliant Generative AI Patient Education platform built on the latest AI technology. Supported by an extensive cardiovascular-specific video library and additional printable, custom-branded educational tools, HeartPatientAI is the cutting edge of online learning for heart patients.

Large Language Models (LLM), are a specific type of artificial intelligence software that uses deep learning algorithms designed to understand and generate human-like textual output based on the data it has been trained on. These models are called “large” due to the vast amount of data they are trained on, allowing them to comprehend and produce language across a wide range of topics and contexts. Like the human brain, large language models must be pre-trained and then fine-tuned so that they can solve text classification, question answering, document summarization, and text generation problems.

HPAI uses the latest publicly available LLM technology, architectures, and models. From that, we have created our ‘Custom Content’ LLM. HPAI’s Custom Content LLM is built on the cardiovascular and medical knowledge base. A Domain-specific LLM is a general model that is provided relevant contextual data and instructions to perform well-defined tasks required by industry or organizational guidelines. Domain-specific LLMs are designed to address the limitations of Generic LLMs in specialized fields.

HPAI’s Custom Content LLM is a specialized Domain Specific LLM that has been provided a set of curated data. This customization process enables the model to generate Output that is more closely aligned with the unique needs or preferences of a particular user or organization. For example, HPAI can provide our Custom Content LLM a hospital’s specific protocols and patient information to ensure the model can accurately answer questions or write content that reflects particular cardiovascular terminology and information.

HPAI uses a secure ‘private’ Generative AI workflow engine (VectorShift) to build the core generative AI answering engine. HPAI only use vetted cardiovascular and medical content provided in collaboration with the American College of Cardiology (ACC), the National Institutes of Health, the National Library of Medicine, medical device manufacturer product-specific patient guides, documentation, and pharmaceutical data as context for its foundational models.

It’s important to understand that HPAI only uses its ‘custom content LLM’ to power its generative AI Output. This gives patients and clinicians the confidence the output is accurate and does not include hallucinations.

HPAI Output is based only on provided clinically vetted content. Our clinician beta testing has shown it to be highly accurate.

HPAI’s AI workflow leverages multiple vector databases that identify the most relevant content based on a user query, using both semantic and lexical search techniques. We then used the latest generative AI techniques to do what’s known as ‘Retrieval Augmented Generation’ and ‘Prompt Engineering’ to ensure the Output is highly accurate and follows strict guidelines.

We take data security seriously and built our platform with security in mind. HPAI is HIPAA compliant. User data is end-to-end encrypted. We have “zero data retention” to ensure that data is never stored or used for training purposes. So when you close out the session, everything is deleted. HPAI uses the Vanta Security platform for SOC 2 Type 2, and HIPAA Compliance.


After my mother experienced a heart attack, leading to emergency triple bypass surgery, everything in our lives changed. In an instant, my family was thrown into the complex world of cardiovascular care leaving us overwhelmed at everything we needed to know and remember. The lack of patient education only added to our confusion and fear.

Out of necessity, I embarked on extensive research, combining hospital-provided information with my online findings to create a comprehensive “recovery notebook” for my mother. This invaluable resource covered everything from medication management and incision care to post-surgery expectations, dietary guidelines, and insurance-related forms. This information proved to be essential and played a pivotal role in clarifying the process… and RecoverRite® was born. That single “recovery notebook” became a full line of “CV-specific” patient education. RecoverRite® has achieved remarkable success, consistently evolving our offerings to align with the latest trends in patient care, online learning, and cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

RecoverRite® is thrilled to introduce HeartPatientAI, a groundbreaking AI-driven patient education tool designed to revolutionize the way heart patients receive and engage with their health information. At the forefront of innovation, RecoverRite’s HeartPatientAI leverages innovative technology to deliver accessible content that empowers patients like never before. This transformative tool simplifies complex medical information into understandable insights, setting a new standard in patient education. Launching HeartPatientAI marks a significant advancement in our journey to educate heart patients worldwide, promising to change the face of patient education and pave the way for a future where every patient is equipped with the knowledge to actively participate in their care and recovery.